What format is the Minn Kota and Humminbird Owners Tournament?
The event is a big bass format with hourly payouts. It will be an individual event for scoring purposes but anglers may have up to two co-anglers competing in their boat. Please see the Rules for all details and information on format, weigh in times, off limits and qualifications.
What is the entry fee?
The entry fee is $275 for a three-day entry or $175 for a two-day entry or $125 for a one-day entry (per angler).
Is the tournament entry fee per angler or per boat?
The entry fee is per angler.
What qualifies as a Minn Kota and/or Humminbird owner for the purposes of this tournament?
Each boat owner (“captain”) must own either one Minn Kota product and/or one Humminbird product (trolling motor, shallow water anchor, or electronics). Each captain is allowed to be accompanied by up to two participants who are not owners of either a Minn Kota or Humminbird product. A tournament official will check each captain on-site for such product(s).
Can a co-angler fish with me in my boat?
Yes, this is an individual event for scoring purposes, but anglers can have a co-angler(s) of their choice fish with them, and you do NOT have to sign up at the same time to fish together.
How many anglers can I have in my boat?
You may have up to three anglers per boat assuming the boat has the required rating capacity. Each angler must be a paid participant and the boat owner (“captain”) must own either one Minn Kota product and/or one Humminbird product as defined in the Rules.
Can I fish the event if I do not own a Minn Kota product and/or a Humminbird product?
Yes, if you do not own any of the two brands products, you may fish with a boat owner (“captain”) that does own either one Minn Kota product and/or a Humminbird product. Each captain will be checked by a tournament official on site for such product(s).
Are Pro’s and Guides allowed to fish in this tournament?
No, this is an amateur only event. Please see the Rules for pro and guide definitions and eligibility.
Can I have someone in my boat that isn’t competing in the tournament?
No, each person in the boat (during tournament hours) must be a paid participant.
I registered online and didn’t receive a confirmation.
When you successfully complete an online entry, you will immediately see the confirmation page and we also send a confirmation email as a follow up. If you didn't receive, please check your email spam folder, as the confirmation email may have been routed there. You may also have incorrectly entered your email address when you registered. If you don't find your confirmation after following the steps above, please email info@minnkotaowners.com
Do I have to sign up at the same time as my fishing partner or partners?
No, you don't have to sign up together to fish together. You may sign up separately and still fish in the same boat.
Can I change or transfer an entry?
We allow a change of entry as a one-time courtesy. You may email us at info@minnkotaowners.com to make the request.
How do I know if I qualified for an early entry prize?
We have an early entry prize counter on the event page that updates in real time. If you register for a three-day or two-day entry before the counter reaches zero, you will receive a promotional rod.
Is there a meeting to attend prior to the tournament?
There is no formal meeting, but at least one angler per boat should come by Lakepoint State Park Lodge, 104 Lakepoint Dr, Eufaula, AL 36027, from 1 pm to 6 pm CST. (We would like at least one partner to come by the Lodge)
Is there a formal launch?
No, anglers may launch from the ramp of their choice the morning of the tournament but may not begin fishing (first cast) until notified by the tournament director via text message.
How many fish can I have in my livewell?
You may have up to three (3) fish per angler in the livewell at any one time.
After I weigh my fish do I have to stay at the stage until the hour is complete?
No, after you weigh your fish you are free to resume fishing immediately.
Can I register late at the ramp the morning of the tournament?
No, we don't accept late entries the day of the tournament. You must register online on or before Thursday March 27th at 7 pm CST.