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Reels Remaining: 0
VIP Experiences Remaining: 0
- Select the number of days to compete. Entry fees are $275 for a three-day entry, $175 for a two-day entry, and $125 for a one-day entry.
- Select the number of anglers competing. Entry fees are per angler; you may have up to three (3) anglers per boat. You don't have to register together to fish together.
- The first 250 online two or three-day entrants will receive an early entry price. A one-day entry is not eligible for the early entry prize.
- Sign up for an exclusive Humminbird VIP experience, free of charge for the first 55 people to opt-in! You will be able to opt in during online registration.
The package includes additional Humminbird giveaways and a behind-the-scenes Humminbird plant tour at the Eufaula location! MUST be available 3/27/25 for plant tour. Additional details and a plant tour schedule will be provided before the event. - Each boat owner (“captain”) must own either one Minn Kota product and/or one Humminbird product (trolling motor, shallow water anchor, and or electronics). Each captain is allowed to be accompanied by up to two participants who are not owners of either a Minn Kota or Humminbird product. A tournament official will check each captain on-site for such product(s).