Minn Kota Owners Tournament
May 30 - June 1, 2024 | Pickwick, Tennessee
Event Details
Minn Kota and Humminbird Owners Tournament presented by Hardin County - $180,000+ Guaranteed Prizes & Payouts
May 30th, 31st and June 1st
Entry Fee:
Three Day $275 | Two Day $175 | One Day $125 (Entry fees are per angler)
Start fishing time (first cast) will be 5:15 am CST for all three days. You will receive a text to start fishing. If you don't receive a text, you may begin fishing at 5:15 am CST.
Click here to see rules and qualifications for entering the tournament
Pickwick Lake, Tennessee
The states of Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi have a reciprocal agreement for fishing at Pickwick Lake. It is the anglers responsibility to know the law and acquire the correct license, based on where they plan to fish.
Tennessee License Info: https://www.tn.gov/twra/license-sales.html
Alabama License Info: https://www.outdooralabama.com/license-information
Mississippi License Info: https://www.mdwfp.com/license/
Weigh in Site:
Pickwick Landing State Park, 120 Playground Loop, Counce, TN 38326
Click here for park details.
Guaranteed Overall Grand Prize: $50,000
1st Place for the largest bass of the tournament.
Overall Prizes: $17,000
2nd Place Overall: New 52" Ultrex QUEST Trolling Motor
3rd Place Overall: APEX 13 MEGA SI+ Chartplotter
4th Place Overall: New 52" Ultrex QUEST Trolling Motor
5th Place Overall: APEX 13 MEGA SI+ Chartplotter
Draw Prizes: $30,000+
Minn Kota, Humminbird, Raptor, YETI, Turtlebox, BPS Gift Cards, and Costa eyewear draw prizes.
All entrants will be entered for the raffle items via their mobile numbers. We will randomly draw numbers each day for the raffle items. You will be notified via text if you are the winner. You may pick up your prize during the weigh-ins or after each day's weigh-in until 3 pm.
Guaranteed Total Hourly Paybacks: $63,525 - Ten places paid each hour for all three days of the tournament.
1st: $1000, 2nd: $500, 3rd: $300, 4th: $250, 5th: $225, 6th: $200, 7th: $175, 8th: $150, 9th: $125, 10th: $100
Early Entry Prizes: $30,000 Abu Garcia Veritas 7'0" Medium Heavy Model #VTPC70-6 Retail Value $119.95
Click here to see rod
The first 250 online three day or two day entrants will receive a early entry rod. One day entries are not eligible for the early entry rod.
Early entry rods may be picked up on Wednesday May 29th at The Lodge at Pickwick Landing between noon and 7 pm or anytime during the weigh ins if you weren't able to pick it up prior to the start of the tournament. Your fishing partner may pick up your rod for you.
May 30th, 31st and June 1st
Entry Fee:
Three Day $275 | Two Day $175 | One Day $125 (Entry fees are per angler)
Start fishing time (first cast) will be 5:15 am CST for all three days. You will receive a text to start fishing. If you don't receive a text, you may begin fishing at 5:15 am CST.
Click here to see rules and qualifications for entering the tournament
Pickwick Lake, Tennessee
The states of Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi have a reciprocal agreement for fishing at Pickwick Lake. It is the anglers responsibility to know the law and acquire the correct license, based on where they plan to fish.
Tennessee License Info: https://www.tn.gov/twra/license-sales.html
Alabama License Info: https://www.outdooralabama.com/license-information
Mississippi License Info: https://www.mdwfp.com/license/
Weigh in Site:
Pickwick Landing State Park, 120 Playground Loop, Counce, TN 38326
Click here for park details.
Guaranteed Overall Grand Prize: $50,000
1st Place for the largest bass of the tournament.
Overall Prizes: $17,000
2nd Place Overall: New 52" Ultrex QUEST Trolling Motor
3rd Place Overall: APEX 13 MEGA SI+ Chartplotter
4th Place Overall: New 52" Ultrex QUEST Trolling Motor
5th Place Overall: APEX 13 MEGA SI+ Chartplotter
Draw Prizes: $30,000+
Minn Kota, Humminbird, Raptor, YETI, Turtlebox, BPS Gift Cards, and Costa eyewear draw prizes.
All entrants will be entered for the raffle items via their mobile numbers. We will randomly draw numbers each day for the raffle items. You will be notified via text if you are the winner. You may pick up your prize during the weigh-ins or after each day's weigh-in until 3 pm.
Guaranteed Total Hourly Paybacks: $63,525 - Ten places paid each hour for all three days of the tournament.
1st: $1000, 2nd: $500, 3rd: $300, 4th: $250, 5th: $225, 6th: $200, 7th: $175, 8th: $150, 9th: $125, 10th: $100
Early Entry Prizes: $30,000 Abu Garcia Veritas 7'0" Medium Heavy Model #VTPC70-6 Retail Value $119.95
Click here to see rod
The first 250 online three day or two day entrants will receive a early entry rod. One day entries are not eligible for the early entry rod.
Early entry rods may be picked up on Wednesday May 29th at The Lodge at Pickwick Landing between noon and 7 pm or anytime during the weigh ins if you weren't able to pick it up prior to the start of the tournament. Your fishing partner may pick up your rod for you.
Veritas Casting Rod Features:
- Powerlux® 100 delivers a 15% stronger* and 5% lighter** rod, while remaining lightweight and well balanced
- ROCS™ (Robotically Optimized Casting System) Guide train for maximized casting distance with lighter lures
- Titanium alloy guides with ultra light zirconium inserts allow for a lightweight balanced rod
- Closed Cell EVA grips gives greater weather and wear resistance
- Ergonomic Abu designed reel seat
Event Registration:
Registration for the Event closes at 7:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the beginning of the Event for a three-day entry. There will be no morning registration on Thursday, Friday or Saturday of the Event. Participants may register online prior to the Event or in person at the designated time above during check-in. Once the event begins, participants that register late online on must do so before 9:00 p.m. on Thursday and before 6 p.m. on Friday for Saturday and must also adhere to the off limits rules listed in section 6.02
Registration for the Event closes at 7:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the beginning of the Event for a three-day entry. There will be no morning registration on Thursday, Friday or Saturday of the Event. Participants may register online prior to the Event or in person at the designated time above during check-in. Once the event begins, participants that register late online on must do so before 9:00 p.m. on Thursday and before 6 p.m. on Friday for Saturday and must also adhere to the off limits rules listed in section 6.02
Pre-Tournament meeting:
There is no formal meeting for the event but we prefer one angler per boat to come to The Lodge at Pickwick Landing on Wednesday May 29th between noon and 7 pm cst to check in. If you can't make it, just email us at info@minnkotaowners.com that you won't be attending. All entrants will be entered for the raffle items via their mobile numbers. We will randomly draw numbers each day for the raffle items. You will be notified via text if you are the winner. There will be Johnson Outddor staff on site to help you with any product questions or issues you might have.
Daily Lunch:
Food vendor(s) will be available at the weigh-in location from 11am-1pm each day of the tournament. Food available for tournament entrants only.
Each boat owner (“captain”) must own either one Minn Kota product and/or one Humminbird product (trolling motor, shallow water anchor, electronics and/or battery charger). Each captain is allowed to be accompanied by up to two participants who are not owners of either a Minn Kota or Humminbird product. Each captain will be checked by a tournament official on site for such product(s).
Text System:
You may enter yourself in the text system for this event by texting the word minnkota to the number 833-933-1717. We will enter your number in the system, but some carriers block this type of message, so by entering yourself this will prevent the chance of being blocked.
Start Time:
We will notify every one of the start time the week of the tournament. We will notify you via text message. Start time (first cast) for each tournament will be safe light and set by the tournament director. You may launch and be on the water, but you may not begin fishing until we notify you of first cast. Please do not call our offices related to start time. We will post start fishing time on this page and text out the time the week of the event. You will also be sent a live leaderboard link once the event starts.
Weigh in Times:
All days of event. 7-8am, 8-9am, 9-10am, 10-11am, 11am-12pm, 12-1pm, 1-2pm
Lake Off-Limits:
The Event off-limits time begins at 6 pm cst on Wednesday May 29th. Participants must be off the water on or before 6 pm on the day prior to the Event and may not begin fishing until the official Event start time on the following day, which will be announced via text message the morning of the Event. The Event Lake is off-limits to fishing after 2:00 p.m. on each day of the Event. ALL participants must follow the off-limits rules for the previous day(s), even if you're not fishing all three days of the event. Participants may return to their respective launch site by boat but are not allowed to fish or use electronics and/or other devices (including lights) or attempt to locate or mark, for the purposes of finding fish, after the off-limits time.
Permitted Fishing Waters: See map below
Pickwick Dam (North West), Bay Springs Dam (South West), Hwy 72 (South) and Wilson Dam (East). Locking at any time during the event is prohibited.

There are many options for accommodations in Hardin County.
Click here for Lodging options at and near the weigh in location.